Katharine Holmes

18th - 20th June


Interpreting the landscape in water based mixed media

Exploring the surroundings of the studio we will make paintings and drawings responding to the light and weather in an attempt to capture the feeling of being in the landscape. We will work both outside and in the studio. If the weather is very bad we will make short excursions with sketchbooks, otherwise be prepared to work outside. There will be demonstrations both outdoors and in the studio encouraging students to be experimental with water based and mixed media and use them to find equivalents for the elements of the landscape. Guidance will be given in developing paintings back in the studio from the work made outside.

Lunches and refreshments included. Days run from 10am to 4pm (ish)

About Katharine

Katharine Holmes is best known for her paintings and drawings of her native Yorkshire landscape. She paints and draws outside in all weathers and in her Malham studio. Beyond home and the familiar she currently paints the wilder fringes of Britain and Ireland and especially the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. Through working in the landscape she attempts to convey the atmosphere of particular places and how it feels to be there. Surrounded by sketches and paintings completed outside back in the studio she slowly, sometimes over months or years, develops large paintings mostly in oil on canvas.
