Hazel Battersby

16th - 18th July


Deconstructing the Landscape

“Deconstruct-reduce (something) to its constituent parts in order to reinterpret it.”

This course is aimed at those who have a keen interest in mark-making, mixed media and exploring the abstract qualities of painting. Working from the surrounding landscape we will explore new strategies for drawing to respond to and to interpret the natural world. We will experiment using a range of varied materials and methods, combining marks and media together through layering. Further consideration of ideas, intentions and consideration of structure and composition, will help to expand individuals' approach into creating a larger study or small series of works.

Suitable for all levels of ability.

Lunches and refreshments included. Days run from 10am to 4pm (ish)

About Hazel

Based in York, Hazel has exhibited throughout the UK.

Hazel’s paintings are inspired by landscape but remain essentially abstract. The forms, colours, and textures of the local Yorkshire landscape and of Scotland where she grew up and often visits, continue to inform her work. Her inspiration often comes from visiting remote locations within the UK, observing and experiencing dramatic landscape. The act of walking, exploring, and observing the ever-changing environment is part of the journey and process. Through exploration of mark-making, drawing and collage, both abstract and descriptive properties develop, and as they extend into paintings this continues to shift and change.

Back in the studio, a process of building up the physical layers of paint using gentler glazes, or thicker impasto paint, alongside pastel, pencil, crayon, charcoal, and collage helps to encourage depth of mark-making and colour. Hazel’s work draws inspiration from the experience of landscape but develops through the physical process of painting.

Find out more about Hazel on her website : hazelbattersby.com